Yes..these many have been here before

Sunday 1 November 2015

the three dilemmas of my life..Part 2

Hello reader!

Living the life to the fullest without any complaints!?..full of satisfaction..?
If are the protagonist in the sequel of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari..(if that is in publishing tracks)..and if not..Well..No are a human too..just like me ;)

In Part 1 .. your Motivation Baba just gave you the comes the key hole..Time and mental ability(the mental ability here is way more tougher than MAT or Tesla IQ tests..ok? )!

A satisfaction full life can only be enjoyed when everything falls in it place in that you can relish the following moments of your life without regrets.For that to has to master the skill of Time Management with a perfect mix of sympathy and empathy.
You might have come across this idiom quite a Lot..Their is no crying over spilled milk
Many might think that this signifies the spirit of forgetting and coming to liveable terms with circumstances..but in my views..It portrays a different one.

Consider this..
You are strolling in the streets..being owner of temporary source of dignity valuing 2 grands (those who are smart enough..understood already..those who can't...Dude, You may hit the next blog button now..and abort the mission  of reading this post..I repeat ABORT MISSION).
You have got strict orders from your mom to bring  a stuff of about 1999 bucks which spares you with  just one buck
In this heavy inflation times..even a tiny fevistick costs upto 5 rupees ,but let's suppose it's a 
the India of a parallel universe where "good days have come(achhe din aagye)",Congress deputy supremo actually started behaving according to his age and the world stopped trolling justin beiber for good(pretty unimaginable .. right?).You purchased a rose of that spare cash(rose..jasmin..hyacinth..marigold..It all depends on your bf/gf's choice..right ? xD)

You decide to gift that rose (out of nowhere) to your distant relatives who only rings up when exam results are out(no..those relatives are still alive..that rose is not for RIP).
Then suddenly three people appear..a soldier returning home.. a gun strapped up on his shoulder..deep in the mourning over his unfinished duty towards the nation,a aged lady .. coming from her son's funeral.. leaning on her stick and  a little girl ..crying, pointing to her popped up balloon..

You have to give that rose to anyone of the above and console them..Who's going to be that lucky fellow to receive it from your outstretched hands??

(Tougher to answer than why melody is so chocolaty..right??..I so knew it)

See the answer here depends on your inclination of empathy towards the one you will give the flower to..It depends on how well you can relate to the sufferings of the one you are well you can share their pain and intermix your spirit of joy and willingness..

This Is Mental Ability in my views..

Their is another story I would like to tell ask you the difference between Mental and Emotional capabilities of your brain..

In a remote corner of a town..their was a hospital..
It was a rather happy scene except when you peeked into the room number 4591..
Their were two patients over their placed next to the window..dealing the game named life for 65 years..victimised by the tyranny of heart attacks three times in a row..
On the far dark side of the room..their lie a 20 year old patient..fallen in trap of depression and a challenging fate..ready to give up his breath at the very next opportunity he gets..

The older counterpart was a optimist..he used to tell the beaten-by-life one things he could see from the window ,in the outside world. He told him about the lush greenery .. happy children.. Warm sunlight..a soothing breeze and what not.
Days..weeks.. and months went by...and suddenly that non-stop All Window radio stopped his transmission for sure..
But the inmate was deeply influenced by all the positiveness..he managed to look forward towards a beautiful life! Finally..he was ready to face the world again!On the abrupt end of the older guy..the renewed spirited one enquired about the matter and came to know that he lost his battle against the fourth attack..
But when he mentioned with delight about his inner that oldie managed to regain his senses...the staff pointed out at once..THAT THE GUY WAS BLIND FROM BIRTH..

Now you tell me reader..what was it that had driven the gold hearted fellow to come to his room mates rescue..was it a evidence of superb mental skills?A feared show of emotional courage or just a permanent habit of speaking glabberish continuously??

Think wisely and answer nicely
Hope you can solve the life's second most significant dilemma of my life...

Signing off..
Uddeshya Singh

PS:Manchester...Now you better win the next one...or else -_-(crystal palace-0,united-0)

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